Kitchener’s Island | Ankh | Kitchener’s Island is one of two major islands on the Nile in vicinity of Aswan, the other one being Elephantine. It is officially known as Island of Plants...
The Ankh ☥ is one of the most recognizable symbols from ancient Egypt, known as the key of life. The Ankh symbol ☥ is an Egyptian hieroglyph for life" or breath of life.
As the Egyptians believed that one's earthly journey was only part of an eternal life, The Ankh symbolizes both mortal existence and the afterlife.
Ankh is one of the most ancient symbols of Egypt, often seen with the died and was symbols, carried by a multitude of the Egyptian gods in tomb paintings and inscriptions and worn by Egyptians as an amulet.
That's why we choose Ankh symbol to discover Egypt again together. is your key of travelling and tourism in Egypt.
Kitchener’s Island | Ankh | Kitchener’s Island is one of two major islands on the Nile in vicinity of Aswan, the other one being Elephantine. It is officially known as Island of Plants...
Temple of Hathor | Ankh | The large temple complex that dominates the site of Dendara was one of the principal cult centers of the goddess Hathor. It contains a large number of structures from...
Black Pyramid | Ankh | Though stripped of its limestone casing and somewhat eroded, The Pyramid of Amenemhat III at Hawara or the Black Pyramid remains remarkable for its complex system of secret...
Taha Hussein Museum | Ankh | Taha Hussein is one of the most important names of Modern Arabic Literature. He’s also a leading social and political reform who struggled for the provision of education...
Sehel Island | Ankh | The Island of Sehel is about 4km south of Aswan, in the Nile to the north of the old Aswan Dam. In ancient times travellers on their way to Nubia, or who had just returned from...