Beni Hasan | Ankh | The site of Beni Hasan lies on the east bank of the Nile near the town of Minya in Middle Egypt. The principal monuments here are Middle Kingdom tombs carved into the cliffs...

The Ankh ☥ is one of the most recognizable symbols from ancient Egypt, known as the key of life. The Ankh symbol ☥ is an Egyptian hieroglyph for life" or breath of life.
As the Egyptians believed that one's earthly journey was only part of an eternal life, The Ankh symbolizes both mortal existence and the afterlife.
Ankh is one of the most ancient symbols of Egypt, often seen with the died and was symbols, carried by a multitude of the Egyptian gods in tomb paintings and inscriptions and worn by Egyptians as an amulet.
That's why we choose Ankh symbol to discover Egypt again together. is your key of travelling and tourism in Egypt.
Beni Hasan | Ankh | The site of Beni Hasan lies on the east bank of the Nile near the town of Minya in Middle Egypt. The principal monuments here are Middle Kingdom tombs carved into the cliffs...
Hermopolis West, on the modern site of Tuna el Gebel near Minya, was the necropolis of the city of Hermopolis, sacred to the Greek god Hermes and his Egyptian counterpart Thoth. It is best known for...
Kitchener’s Island | Ankh | Kitchener’s Island is one of two major islands on the Nile in vicinity of Aswan, the other one being Elephantine. It is officially known as Island of Plants...
Coptic Museum | Ankh | Interest in Coptic art was revived at the end of the 19th century when Mr. Gaston Maspero, a French Egyptologist, brought together many pieces in dedicated rooms of the...
Dahshur Pyramids | Ankh | The pyramid field of Dahshur lies about 10 km south of Saqqara. The Pyramids here include the famed Bent and Red Pyramids built by the 4th Dynasty king Senefru (father of...